Christ the Last Adam

It’s time to connect the dots for all the patterns and themes we’ve seen revealed in the Scriptures. They all coalesce at one point, Jesus Christ, who is the very Substance of Scripture. The Scriptures are about Jesus Christ and His works. The Old Testament points to Christ through types and shadows while the New Testament reveals Him in His glory. Every theme and story of the Bible finds its fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Each of the human agents in Redemptive History failed to faithfully do what God required of them. Christ is the only One who would perfectly do what man could never do. Not only did Christ keep all the requirements of the Father, He is the One who redeems His people from the yoke of Satan and the false gods to whom they willingly sold themselves.

The Celestial Order – Part 3 : The Fall from High Places

The Bible speaks of a time prior to the fall of man, when Lucifer, a glorious angel rebelled against God. This rebellion can be considered the true original sin because it was through it that evil entered the cosmos. Corruption of the created order therefore did not begin with the material but rather the celestial. To understand the fall of Adam, one must first understand the fall of Lucifer and its consequences for the entire cosmos. This will also help us appreciate the magnitude of God’s plan of redemption which is far more than a mere legal transaction, it is cosmic in scale. Lucifer’s evil has corrupted this created order, but God has promised to create all things new, and He is redeeming His people so that they will not perish with this failing order, but be rulers again in His new creation.

The Celestial Order – Part 2

The visible world reflects many of these eternal and invisible realities. Since God is the Creator of both the material and the celestial (Col 1:16), His attributes are revealed in His creation. It is as if He has left His fingerprints on His work. This reflection of the invisible in the visible enables us to understand attributes of God and His nature (Rom 1:20). Sadly, humans have corrupted this revelation by causally liking material categories to divine categories rather than seeing them as mere reflections of the eternal. Men thus end up worshipping created things rather than the Creator (Rom 1:23). This is why it is critical to understand the supernatural themes revealed in the Scriptures. They exist to point us to something Greater and are not an end in and of themselves.

The Celestial Order – Part 1

The creation account in Genesis paints an elaborate picture of the purpose of the material order. The Scriptures however, reveal a cosmology that is not merely material but rather supernatural. Scattered throughout the Word of God are accounts of celestial entities, far more powerful than man. The existence of Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels, Sons of God, Watchers, Princes of Realms that hinder angels, Chariots of Fire and a plethora of other entities are revealed. These entities are not revealed as mere external observers of the fate of man and this world but are shown to be active participants in the affairs of the world.